Unfortunately Heritage Academy will be dissolving at the end of the current school year. Please contact our office to obtain all necessary records ASAP.



8 graduating students standing proudly

​Heritage Academy is continually seeking qualified and interested persons to join our team.

If you are interested working part-time as a staff member, teacher, or teacher’s aide, please fill out the application below.

As a Christian school seeking to provide education in the context of Christian community, Heritage Academy asks faculty, parents, and staff members to personally agree with the school’s belief statement and be actively pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ and attending a Christian church. ​

Heritage Academy’s faculty and staff are dedicated and mature believers who are enthusiastic about Christian education within the University-Model School framework. They are not only academic subject matter experts, but life-long learners with a passion for sharing their love of discovery and understanding about God’s amazing creation and His glorious plan for redemption through Jesus Christ.  They value the partnership with Christian parents to mentor students to walk in the way of wisdom, not only developing knowledge, but growing in character and discipline to serve Christ faithfully in any endeavor.  We invite applications from like-minded Christian educators to join our mission to prepare college-worthy character witnesses for Jesus Christ!

Staff Positions

  • No openings at this time

Teaching Positions

All Pre-K and K-12 teaching positions are part-time positions.  Applications are welcome for Primary, Elementary, Secondary in all subject areas, including Language Arts, English, Math and Science.


All elective teaching positions are part-time positions. Secondary elective courses included computer applications and science, musical theater, speech and debate, and yearbook.  Elementary electives include art, theatre explorations, STEM

Coaching Positions

All coaching positions are part-time seasonal appointments. Applications are welcome for girls soccer and volleyball, and boys soccer and basketball.

Qualified and interested persons may download the appropriate Heritage Academy application and submit it, along with unofficial copies of college transcripts, in person, by mail, or as an email attachment to:

Heritage Academy
2900 Barberry Avenue
​Columbia, MO 65202

Email Us

Interested in employment? Send us your contact information and we will connect with you. You are also encouraged to download and submit the application.