Unfortunately Heritage Academy will be dissolving at the end of the current school year. Please contact our office to obtain all necessary records ASAP.


Lower Grades

Half-Day Kindergarten

​Kindergarten at Heritage Academy includes three half-days of classroom instruction (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings) that emphasize focused instruction in Math and Language Arts and include hands-on elective experiences designed to promote your student’s wonder and delight while learning.

On-campus school days begin at 7:45 AM and end at 12:15 PM.

Home assignments for satellite days (Tuesdays and Thursdays) will be one-and-a-half to two hours in length, with half of this time intended to involve pencil and paper tasks and the other half designated to facilitate curriculum-related, interactive parent/child activities that nurture enthusiasm for learning.

Students must be five before the first day of the fall semester begins. K5 students are assessed early in the summer to prepare for enrollment in the fall.

1st - 2nd grade

1-2 grades at Heritage Academy includes three half-days of classroom instruction (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings) that emphasize focused instruction in Math and Language Arts and include hands-on elective experiences designed to promote your student’s wonder and delight while learning.

On-campus school days begin at 7:45 AM and end at 12:15 PM.

Home assignments for satellite days (Tuesdays and Thursdays) will be two hours in length, with half of this time intended to involve pencil and paper tasks and the other half designated to facilitate curriculum-related, interactive parent/child activities that nurture enthusiasm for learning.

Students must be able to demonstrate mastery of the previous grade level skills before the first day of the fall semester begins. Placement evaluations are scheduled throughout the summer.

3rd - 6th grade

University-Model® elementary students receive weekly, on-campus, classroom instruction each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Core subject (Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies) are alternated with electives throughout the day. Assigned coursework is then completed at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays with oversight and support present from a parent who has committed to perform the specified role related to each course. Parents can expect that coursework assigned on satellite days will generally fill the same length of time their student has spent in the campus classroom.

The Elementary Program run MWF from 7:45-2:45. T/TH are at-home satellite days.